Thursday, March 11, 2010

Two Trips.....

Well, we learned last night that the Ethiopian gov't announced yesterday that from here on out...both adoptive parents MUST be present at the court hearing that takes place about 3 mos. prior to taking baby home. So, we will be making two trips to Ethiopia. Exciting, but EXPENSIVE!!! I sat down last night and tried to brainstorm some ideas for saving/earning cash. Sten suggested we designate "no spend" months where we spend only on the necessary things like food and bills.  I can do without Walmart, Target and Kohls!!! Also, I am going to try to pick up at least six shifts a month.  I have an idea to ask my neighbors if they would be willing to have a community yard sale to benefit our cause... I think they would be willing!  And lastly, NO MORE EATING OUT!! This will be a toughy. Perhaps it will help us shed a few pounds and be doubly rewarding!!
So many things to ponder! My friend Mindy, who has adopted 2 of her sons from KZ, said that everything in adoption is set in jello, so be prepared for things to change constantly. And, wow, she was right!!!

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