Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Wish

As some of you may already know, this Friday, November 22nd, would have been Marra Frehiwot's 3rd Birthday. As the day approaches and Sten and I are finding it harder and harder to breathe, we ask that each of you remember our sweet child. We long for the day when we can hold her again in Heaven, but until that day, we will work to keep her spirit alive here. And so, in honor of Marra Freh's Birthday, we are asking that you print off these "tickets" and then do a random act of kindness and give that person the ticket, to share her story. Yes, it will mean you may have to speak to a stranger (Freh did that ALL the time) It may mean going out of your way to help someone (She was always wanting to help and sing the "clean up" song) Maybe you could pay for a coffee or lunch of someone behind you in line and share the ticket and her story with them or ask the person at the window to pass it on with their "paid" receipt. (she always loved surprises!) How about attaching one to a gift for someone you really appreciate but often forget to tell...Anything, friends. Just something laced with love and compassion and "sparkle". On the ticket is a web address for you all to share your experience with us. We hope to see many many stories of love shared in honor of a sweet little girl who has touched so many hearts! Please SHARE the beans out of this! Pass it along and tell others to pass it on again! Let's see how far her "Happy Birthday" will go. Thank you, friends.

You should be able to print this. If not, email me at and I will send you the jpeg!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post. My best birthday wishes for Marrah! Have the best birthday ever!

    Have a great day!
    Marilyn @
